Chanton Phan

Sr. Associate, Strategy & Analytics

Chanton joined the Seer Analytics team in February of 2020, after spending two years post-grad collecting diverse professional experiences. After graduating with a degree in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology and Economics from Ursinus College, he quickly realized his passion for digital transformation. He worked in digital marketing at a medtech startup in Philly, then at a global pharmaceutical accelerator before joining Seer.

Keeping up with the rapidly evolving digital world is a constant learning process that drives Chanton. As much as he loves digging into the nitty-gritty of the data, he is inspired by taking two big steps back and thinking strategically. Finding this perspective is key for Chanton in being a holistic analytics partner to clients.

Outside of analytics, Chanton loves to spend time in the mountains– backpacking, open-water swimming, and rock climbing. He also continues to compete in tennis after playing four years in college (Go Bears!), and finds every opportunity to explore the city of Philadelphia with friends (mainly through delicious food).